
Commander Kerrry, What A Parody Of A Bloke With A Faulty Parotid!

Commander Kerrry, What A Parody Of A Bloke With A Faulty Parotid!

...Mumpsy Kerrry Went To War For To Kill A Few... But the paranoid cove came back hating the proceedings... Well, guess what, it takes balls bigger than any parotids can ever inflame. It takes plenty of mumps, and rough and tough, and rumble and tumble, you bet. So that you could afterwards endure the well-deserved drubbing the whiny preciosities at Fox were sure to inflict. 'Tain't all Finney Micks and Vinyl, no sir! It takes a Brooding Crumpet of a Gent to Root for Home Team! Hallelujah, for our epaulets are well-covered with the sibillant Commanders-In-Chiefly-Whistly we've already got, lucky US, man!

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La meva foto
C.R. Morell his paltry efforts,